In order to navigate through our online shop, placing orders, or customer service you must agree to the acceptance of the terms.

Modifying the terms of use

Our company has the right to modify, refresh parts or all the products found in our online shop. Every modification of terms is posted on our website.

<> is the person or company that buys products directly from <> the items that are sold through our website to the <> and which there will be a valid and legal proof of sale, and a valid invoice. The terms of use do not affect the validity of the constitution of the country of Greece.


The content of this website is the intellectual property of or third parties which are legally concerned. Without prejudice to any rights not granted herein. By entering this website, you agree and accept the terms of the copyright laws. It is prohibited to copy, reproduce texts, copy images and graphics from our online shop which is protected by the Greek and international law.

Transaction and personal data security

Our company respects and protects its customers personal data.

All the information that we collect is confidential and will not be used, disclosed or lent to anyone. Any information which is entered here will be treated with great confidence and will not be used in any way that has not been approved by you.

Regarding the security of your electronic transactions with us, you must be aware that our company promotes all credit card transactions through the VivaPay system.

Most up to date security standards. The encrypting process used will safely hide all your personal information, including your credit card number, name and address, so they cannot be read or changed when they are transferred through the internet. Your transaction takes place directly on VivaPays secure server with 256-bit encryption – the largest available today With the 3D secure system. Our company DOES NOT keep and store your credit card information. You will need to re-enter your credit card details for each new order.

While ordering by credit card it is possible for us to ask you to send us by email or as a fax message proof of identification, and your credit card. Our main cause is to avoid the use of a stolen credit card and the security of the original cardholder. This website may contain errors (typographical, numerical, and imaging).

Limitation of liability has made every effort possible to portray its accuracy for its products by displaying photos, descriptions and comments. However, this site may contain errors (typographical, numerical, and imaging). does not guarantee the accuracy of illustrations and descriptions or the reliability any advice, opinion, statement, or other information mentioned Or made available on this website.

Information provided-products-orders

Our company has made efforts for the quality, and validity of the information made on its website. The online store which provides the content for example: information, names, photographs, and illustrations.

The products that are available through the site are exactly as they appear, with a chance that some technical or typographical errors may not be foreseen. offers information and advice for products, but in no way does it attempt to interact with your ophthalmologist’s medical advice. It also reserves the time of delivery of your products in case of damage due to force. The online shop cannot guarantee the availability of the products and timely information to customers about the unavailability of some products.

In order for an order to be accepted, there are a few steps to consider for the purchase process to confirm your order, then you will receive an email from us as a confirmation that it has been received, by receiving a confirmation it means that our company has accepted you.

You will not be obligated to be in a contract, or order between our company And you with respect to any products unless your order is excepted by us. If we do not accept an order and the money has been withdrawn from your account, then it will be refunded.

We do not create an accuracy and warranty of the information that accompanies information of the products mentioned on our site.

Product Pricing

All prices of our products listed and displayed on our website include the legal and estimated amount of VAT (BUT NOT SHIPPING COSTS), subject to the right to adjust these prices whenever necessary. We always ensure that all prices on our website are legit, however some errors may occur.

The company is not obligated to accept an order kai process a sale which typographically or image wise has a wrong price. In this case if the price of the product is wrong, we are supposed to contact you immediately and with your consent we either forward your order or we cancel it. If getting in touch with you is impossible, we will consider cancelling your order, and refund your money. We are not obligated to sell you any products with wrong prices (even if we sent you a confirmation notification).

Availability of products

You are informed of the availability of the products from the indications listed on our online shop. reserves the availability οf the product . in case of any problems with the availability of the orders, our company will get in touch with you informing the reason why it is not available. Its up to you if you wish to proceed with the order or not, Its also up to you to set a new date or to cancel the order that you placed.

Rejecting an order

We have the right to withdraw, modify, any product or material from our site at any time. In certain circumstances we also have the right to reject an order even if a confirmation has been sent to you.

Customer Obligation

The customer must respect the copyright of third parties, respect the terms of use, and provide its true personal information. pledges not to use its services for unlawful acts, such as to commit criminal offenses under the law of the Greek State. It also pledges that it will not use the online store to publish, send, e-mails or transmit content that is illegal, offensive, or harmful to our online store or its users.

The customer must not place false orders. If we consider that such an order has been made, we have the right to cancel it, and inform the authorities. You must be accurate with your information and provide us exactly all of your personal information precisely.(email address, home address, postal address and other information which is asked for), and guarantee that you can make binding contracts.

You also must agree that we can use this information to contact you if necessary. If you do not provide us with the information needed we cannot process your order.