The privacy and privacy rights of our customers when visiting our online store ( play a key role in facilitating the safe use of the offers. When visiting our online store personal data is collected, processed and used With this information on data protection, we wish to emphasize our commitment to managing your data in a secure and reliable way to clarify how we use our customers’ personal information. We comply with the provisions of data protection legislation.

What is personal data?

Personal data information is information that can be attributed to a person. These include for example: name , address, email ,and telephone number. In addition each visit to our website, further data is automatically collected for technical reasons such as IP address of the internet access provider on your computer for the internet connection, or information about the site from which you visited our offer, or in relation to the web browser used by you (technical information). This technical information may in individual cases, constitute personal data. As a general rule only to the extent necessary for technical reasons, for the operation and protection of our site, against attacks and abuse as well as pseudonymous or anonymous form for statistical purposes.

Use by minors under the age of 18

Use of our online store by minors under the age of 18 is not prohibited. We ask those people not to provide any personal information through our online store.

How we use your personal data?

We collect, process, and use your personal information when you visit our online store or sign up, sign into an existing online customer account , or when you order products through our online store. We use your data only in accordance with applicable legal provisions and this Privacy Policy as well as with your consent. In many cases, data is also used in pseudonymous or anonymous form. We use the information that is collected to respond to your inquiries and meet your requests, such as sending documents and email notifications, in order to provide you with important information about our online store, changes to our terms of use, conditions and policies, and/or other administrative information, for our business purposes , such as data analysis , auditing, improving our online store and services, identifying trends in the use of our online store by presenting our products and offers tailored especially for personalizing your experience in our online store by presenting our products and offers, determining the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns.

Data retention period

We retain your personal data information for as long as it is necessary to fulfill the purposes described in this Privacy Policy unless a longer period of retention is required or permitted by law or otherwise fulfilled by a legal obligation. Who do we send your personal information to? In addition to using your personal information for your convenience, there are cases in which we may pass your information to third parties. We may disclose information collected through our e-shop. To service providers such as hosting and site and site setup, payment processing, order execution, infrastructure provision, IT service, e-mail and mail delivery and credit card processing. When forwarding your personal data, we always insure the highest level of personal data safety. As a result, your data will only be passed on to carefully selected service providers and co-operating companies. In addition, your data will only be transmitted to entities within the European Economic Area and are therefore subject to strict European Union legislation, for the protection of personal data, or those who are committed to complying with the equivalent safety standards.

Transmission to service providers

For the delivery of products to transport companies and postal service companies as defined by the placement of orders. For payment of goods to the payment service providers you specify when placing an order. In case of credit card payments, this is done through the cooperation with the Bank of Piraeus. In case of payment via PayPal, it is proceed by PayPal (Europe)S.a’r.I In case of electronic bank deposit, it is processed by the banking institution that you choose naming: Citibank, The National Bank of Greece SA, Alpha bank SA, Euro bank Ergasias SA, and Piraeus Bank SA. During the payment process we do not record or store payment information for this transaction such as credit card numbers, or other bank information. You as the customer and credit card holder provide this information directly to the respective service provider only.

Transmission to third parties

Lastly, we transmit your data within the existing data protection laws to third parties or official authorities if we are legally obligated to do so on the basis of formal directive or court orders , this is necessary to prosecute criminal offenses, or to protect and enforce our rights and claims. Data Security: The security of your personal data is a high priority for us. We therefore protect your data, which is stored by us through technical and organization measures to effectively prevent loss or misuse by third parties. In particular, our employees, who process personal data, are bound to observe confidentiality. To protect your personal data, the data is transmitted in encrypted form. We use for example, TLS = Transport Layer Security to protect communication throughout your web browser. This is recognized by the padlock displayed by your browser in the case of a TLS connection. In order to ensure a safe and long term protection of your data, technical security measures are regularly monitored and if necessary, are adapted to the corresponding state and art of technology.

Your rights

You have the legitimate right to be informed about your personal data stored to us, as well as requesting correction or deletion. The fastest, simplest and most convenient way to claim these rights is by connecting it to your client account and directly editing your data stored there or deleting entirely your client account. The data that we need to store due to legal, institutional or contractual obligations to keep commercial documents will be locked instead of being deleted to prevent the use of other purposes. Consent the right of objection: As long as we use data for a purpose that, in accordance with all legal provisions, it requires your consent. We will always ask for your explicit permission and link your license in accordance with the data protection provisions. The license granted once may be revoked at any time, resulting in any future and/or you may object to future uses of your data for advertising, market research, and opinion purposes. Please be aware for your understanding that applying your objection to/the withdrawal of your consent may require some time for technical reasons and that you may continue to receive notifications from us.

Links to other company’s websites

Our online store may contain links to other website companies. We are not responsible for the data protection measures of external sites that you may access through these links.


We use reasonable, organized technical and administrative measures to protect personal information under our control. Unfortunately, no data transmission over the internet or data storage system can guarantee 100% security. If you have any reason to believe that your interaction with us is no longer safe, (for example if you think that the security of any account you have with us has been violated), pleases let us know immediately by contacting us through our contact form of our online store.