Excite Your Sight

From the time we open our eyes in the morning until we close them again at night, our days and our lives are defined by what we see. Hence the name of our lenses Irridi® - a variation of irida, the Greek word for iris.

Each and every day 107 million cells and 2 million working parts of our sole two eyes receive millions of signals which are then sent to our brain to decrypt information. Hence why vision is considered the most important of all the five senses humans have. Actually, about 80% of what we learn from the world around us is due to perception, learning, cognition and activities are mediated through vision. Not only our present decisions but also 80% of our memories are determined by what we see. For those correcting their vision with the use of contact lenses, some 15,000 blinks every day pose a hurdle of comfort making vision correction more challenging than ever.

That is what we aim to address with our state-of-the-art contact lenses

Our Values

Boasting high levels of comfort, hygiene and vision accuracy are crucial in order for one to enjoy a painless vision.

That’s why, we at Irridi® and our partners, incorporate innovative technologies while developing our own unique materials from A to Z, pursuing the golden section between the application of vision science, contact lens design and wearer value.

All of our lenses are developed in high-end laboratories in Japan from the most pronounced scientists in their fields. Production then takes place in state-of-the-art manufacturing plants in either Japan or Singapore - two of the most innovative nations on earth.

Our Mission

We aim to simplify the way contact lenses wearers correct their sight. No more mistaken lens fitting, questionable quality and incoherent wear. We are here to offer you the contact lens quality you deserve and help you understand the reasons why Irridi® is the best everyday partner of your eyes in this confusing contact lenses world.